INSTRUCTIONS:  Form elements 

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 Text boxes   Drop down menus   Push buttons  Check boxes   Radio buttons  Scrolling 

These are the elements most frequently found on forms.  Click  if there are any pages that you aren't able to complete.  The report will indicate which tests were skipped and will also indicate information filled out in form, speed and accuracy of answers.



Important information about loading times:  Loading time will differ on each machine.  It is a good idea to run through the tests once first, without enrolling, to familiarize yourself with the tests and to practice.  The other important function of running the tests before timing is that all the images will load faster the second time round, so you will get a more accurate record of speed and not a record of how long the images took to load.  The second timing is the most accurate.  Enrolling is specifically for the purpose of timing and the report.
Mouse Cursor Control Testing & Training :