These exercises consist of a series of modules for testing and training specific mouse or cursor control skills. Each module is timed from the click on the first item to the click on the last item. Individual times for each module as well as total time is provided on the report at the end of testing. Important information about loading times: Loading time will differ on each machine. It is a good idea to run through the tests once first, without enrolling, to familiarize yourself with the tests and to practice. The other important function of running the tests before timing is that all the images will load faster the second time round, so you will get a more accurate record of speed and not a record of how long the images took to load. The second timing is the most accurate. Enrolling is specifically for the purpose of timing and the report. Enrollment and reports: Before testing, you are given the option of filling out a form with user name and information about setup. This information is used only for the printed report and for a record of the setup used. This is valuable as a method of comparing scores and proficiencies with different mouse pointing devices and software setups. Privacy: Information provided on these forms stays on your computer and is not transferred to this web site at all. The information resides in a cookie on your computer just during the time you are testing and for the printing of the report. It is erased once you are finished testing and when another user enrolls on that computer. The information from these tests is not transferred in any way. You may choose to print the report or save it into an .html file for your purposes. Use of cookies for recording and printing test scores. |